Friday, October 9, 2015

4 Reasons Why Your Neighbors Are Getting Metal Roofs

Are you looking around the neighborhood and wondering why everyone is going with a metal roof? Well we are going to let you know 4 reasons why:

They Are Green
No, we don’t mean that by the color but by the fact they are eco-friendly. As the awareness of how things are impacting our environment, more and more people are looking for ways to make their homes “greener” and metal roofs are one of the best ways. The majority of the metal used on roofs is recycled material and it can also be recycled itself once it has lived its life expectancy, which is much, much longer than traditional asphalt shingled roofs.  Metal is extremely lightweight so it has fewer emissions released while being produced and transported. And last but not least, because of its reflexivity to high solar, metal roofing is also very energy efficient.

Long Lifespan
The lifespan of a metal roof is fifty years or longer. Tour a downtown area of an old, established city and you’ll see that most historic buildings have metal roofs that were installed when the building was new and is still in good shape today. Your traditional roof will last fifteen to twenty years max.

They are Durable
The reason a metal roof will last forever is because metal is characteristically water-resistant and when additional coatings are applied, rain and snow both roll off easily. In parts of the country where snowfall is traditionally heavy, this is particularly important so that you don’t have to worry about the snow sitting for weeks to months on your rooftop. The only maintenance a homeowner will have with a metal roof is clearing debris and cleaning the gutters, both of which can hold water and cause the roof corrosion.
A Cost-Effective Option
The initial expense of having a metal roofing install will be as much as 2 to 3 times higher than an asphalt or wood roof. Where you’ll save is over the life of the roof because it won’t have to be replaced as soon.