Friday, April 25, 2014

It Worked For Gilligan's Island – Will It Work For Your Home?

We watch reruns of Gilligan's Island today and amid the hustle and bustle of everyday life, we may dream of living as the 7 survivors did in the TV show. Then we remember, that was fiction. In real life, we couldn't do without our computers, electronics, television (so we could watch those reruns) and all the other conveniences we enjoy today.

However, one thing they had and we could utilize today are the thatch roofs they had on their huts. There are several good reasons to having a thatch roof. Just like anything else in life, there are down sides as well. A few good reasons for a thatch roof is the going back to all natural materials. The readily available amounts of raw material in most parts of the world is the number one reason. Many places, such as Europe, combining thatch and tiles is very popular. It is lighter in weight and requires less timber to support it making it less expensive to build.

A thatch roof is perfect to cover roof structures that are irregular and non-conventional too. A thatch roof is very eco-friendly whether you choose new, second-hand or recycled materials, making it a sustainable roof.
The biggest downside to thatch roofing is the difficulty in finding homeowners insurance. When you do find a company willing to insure a house with thatch roofing, it is expensive. Building and maintaining a thatch roof is labor intensive which will override the inexpensive part of the materials.

A thatch roof is also a natural attraction for birds and other wildlife. They find them to be a place to forage for food. Rodents are drawn to them as well. For areas like Tulsa Oklahoma, a thatch roof is not a logical choice due to the weather, especially the winters where we experience ice and snow.

1 comment:

  1. How nice information is. I like it. have you another post like roof design ?
