Friday, July 29, 2016

Your Gutters Need Attention During the Summer, Too

This part of the country is known for the summer-time heatwaves that have very little relief until September or October. Most likely, you don’t think about the gutters on your home this time of year. After all, we get little to no rain for three months, right?

However, it is that lack of rain that stresses trees out with what is known as transpiration. This is when trees are exhaling moisture by way of their leaves. And the hotter it is, the more they exhale and the more stressed they get.

Trees seek moisture from the soil to replace the moisture they lose through their leaves, and when we’re in a drought, there is no moisture to be found – thus, the trees are stressed. A stressed tree is much like the human body – it becomes weak. When you start to see leaves and needles dropping off your trees during the summer, that is a good indication they are stressed.

So How Does This Concern Your Gutters?

The gutters on your home will begin to fill quickly with those leaves and needles that your stressed trees are dropping. Then when that next burst of rain comes, if your gutters are full of those leaves, needles, small limbs, the downspout will become clogged up.

A clogged downspout causes water to back up under the shingles and overflow, pouring to the ground. Since the ground will be dry and parched, it won’t absorb all that rain normally. It will puddle up and wash away your landscaping.

Prevent Gutter Problems

Those gutter problems can be prevented by having your gutters cleaned at least twice a year and having a gutter guard installed by an experienced contractor. Even after having this done, you’ll still want to have your gutters checked twice a year to make sure the guard is in place, and everything is working as it should.

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