Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Up on the Roof Top, Click, Click, Click

Most homeowners schedule their roofing jobs in the spring or summer months. In this part of the country, spring is the busiest time because of the weather we have. There are also some homeowners that prefer to schedule their roofing jobs in the fall months, but what about getting a roof installed during the winter?

While it isn’t the best time to install a roof, it is possible, even in the extremely cold temperatures we experience here. Sometimes, there is no choice because of a list of possible reasons. The roofing industry doesn’t have any set guidelines when it comes to installing roofs in a certain temperature range, even if it is asphalt shingles. Manufacturers do, however, have recommendations so that the best job is done to get the best results possible.

Take asphalt shingles for example. As the temperature gets colder, they are more prone to break and creak. As long as the roofing contractor and homeowner can find a warm place to store the pallets of shingles prior to installation, possible problems are minimized.

Another concern homeowners have is if the self-sealing strips will adhere properly in colder weather. Talk to your contractor about the process of hand-tabbing the shingles as they install them. This is where they apply adhesive on the underside of the shingles. This process will help keep the shingle in place during the cold, windy months and when the weather warms up, the sun will seal them.

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